RightScale launched its enterprise cloud cost management tool Optima to general availability on Tuesday, allowing departments across an enterprise to coordinate cloud resources and spending.
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Google Is Working on a New Lossy Image Format for the Web Called ‘Pik’
Google is working on a new image format called Pik, as evidenced by a collection of newly-uploaded files on the company’s official GitHub profile. The format, according to the project’s readme file, is a “new lossy image format for the internet.” That’s about all we know about it for the time being.
IBM Unveils Next-Generation Mainframe Technology with Pervasive Encryption
IBM launched what it calls “the next generation of the world’s most powerful transaction system,” IBM Z, on Monday. The technology is able to run more than 12 billion encrypted transactions per day and introduces an encryption engine which it says makes it possible for the first time to pervasively encrypt data from any application, cloud service, or database.
Microsoft last week unveiled plans to bring Windows Server into its semi-annual update release cycle, starting this fall, alongside a new Nano Server image configuration with a 50 percent reduced footprint. The company is stripping the infrastructure roles from Nano Server to optimize the headless configuration option for deployment of container-based environments. While Microsoft revealed the Nano Server changes during last month’s Build conference in Seattle, along with other features coming to Windows Server including Linux container support and plans to offer the server OS into its new semi-annual cycle, …
A major part of the “digital revolution” revolves around the consumerization and digitization of our lives. This includes a variety of industries like healthcare, education, government, and corporate. Now, there are numbers and trends that clearly indicate growth around cloud, virtualization, user mobility, and much more. However, at the core of our digital world is the heart of this discussion: data. Driven by the Internet of Things, the total amount of data created (and not necessarily stored) by any device will reach 600 ZB per year by 2020, up from …
EasyApache 3 to EasyApache 4 Migration Process =============== Easy Apache version 4 introduced by cPanel version 11.52. EasyApache web-based Graphical User Interface helps to configure all the back-end activities. Easy Apache Graphic tool allows you to enable multiple PHP extensions and multi-processing modules. The new user interface allows you to change Apache handlers for the installed PHP versions. We can install a default version of PHP in the server and per-host basis.
It’s time to take a quick look into the not-so-distant future. New technologies around cognitive systems and artificial intelligence (AI) are already impacting organizations in a variety of industries. According to IDC, widespread adoption of cognitive systems and AI across a broad range of industries will drive worldwide revenues from nearly $8.0 billion in 2016 to more than $47 billion in 2020. “Software developers and end user organizations have already begun the process of embedding and deploying cognitive/artificial intelligence into almost every kind of enterprise application or process,” David Schubmehl, …
The constantly increasing need for computing power is driven by the creation, development, and deployment of various processor intensive tasks. In most cases, individuals, businesses, and even academia find it hard to harness increased computing power without making a significant investment in the infrastructure, which could include supercomputers. SONM, a blockchain powered distributed computing platform has a solution that might solve the issue for many. SONM is a universal fog supercomputer that allows people who are part of the network to contribute unused processing power on their devices and help …
Choosing the right web host is vital because a wrong selection can play havoc with your online business. The consequences of a wrong selection are quite disappointing and there are times when the damages that are caused are irreversible. So, you can well understand the importance of choosing the right web hosting company. What usually happens when the web hosting service provider you choose fails to give you the required boost?
5 Reasons Why You Should Set up a Reselling Web Hosting Business in 2017
A New Window of Opportunity – Business continuously looks for new business opportunities to expand and grow. However, weighing the operational cost and prospects of the business is important before starting any auxiliary service. Thankfully, reselling hosting entails minimal investment, and the business prospects are also bright.