CentOS-7 is now powered by version 3.10.0 of the Linux kernel, with advanced support for Linux Containers and XFS (is a high-performance 64-bit journaling file system) as the default file system. It’s also the first version of CentOS to include the systemd management engine, the firewalld dynamic firewall system, and the GRUB2 boot loader. CentOS 7 supports 64 bit x86 machines. MySQL has been switched with MariaDB. 1. Systemd Systemd is a system and service manager for Linux Operating system. Systemd uses the command ‘systemctl’ to manage service instead of …
Linux Basics
CentOS 7.x and CentOS 8.x.
CentOS is one of the widely used operating systems nowadays as it offers full control over its highly customizable open-source packages. Due to its reliability and stability, CentOS become a popular choice among operating systems for servers. In every new OS release, it is obvious users expect performance improvements and new features in the new version over the old ones. CentOS officially released CentOS version 8.0 on 24th September 2019 and continues to releases updates and patches. Overall CentOS 7 and 8 are quite similar but CentOS 8 has more …
Network configuration in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS using netplan
With Ubuntu 18.04 onwards, configuring IP addresses stands different from the older versions. When comparing with the previous versions the Ubuntu is using a new utility called Netplan – another order line arrange design utility, to arrange an IP address. Netplan has been presented by Ubuntu engineers in Ubuntu 17.10 where we no longer use the “interfaces” file to configure IP address but does the task using a YAML file with all default arrangement documents found under /etc/netplan/ directory. In this blog, we will check on how to design static …
The constantly increasing need for computing power is driven by the creation, development, and deployment of various processor intensive tasks. In most cases, individuals, businesses, and even academia find it hard to harness increased computing power without making a significant investment in the infrastructure, which could include supercomputers. SONM, a blockchain powered distributed computing platform has a solution that might solve the issue for many. SONM is a universal fog supercomputer that allows people who are part of the network to contribute unused processing power on their devices and help …
The Network File System (NFS) was originally developed by SUN Micro-systems that allows communications between Linux/Unix systems. It allows you to mount your local file systems over a network and remote hosts or clients to interact with them as they are mounted locally on the same system. Benefits >> Central Data Management. >> Allows local access to remote files transparently. >> Very good for local or reliable connections Important NFS configuration file /etc/exports : All files and directories which need to be exported are defined in this which is located …
The Zend OpCache provides faster PHP execution through opcode caching and optimization. It improves PHP performance by storing precompiled script bytecode in the shared memory. Installing Zend OPCache on PHP 5.3 or 5.4 1. Login to SSH on your server 2. Type the following commands: #cd /usr/local/src #wget http://pecl.php.net/get/ZendOpcache # to get the latest (master) build do the following instead:
The Manage External Authentications interface in WHM allows you to manage the OpenID Connect-compliant identity providers that your server’s users can use to log in to cPanel, WHM, or Webmail. Today let see the common external authentication techniques available with cPanel and how to enable/disable these features : 1] External Authentication Via cPanelID -> Steps for enabling and disabling WHM authentication via cPanelID as follows. Configuring The External Authentication Via cPanelID -> Log into WHM as root -> Navigate to Security Center >> Manage External Authentications
Now-a-days Brute force attacks to servers/websites are frequent. Brute force attack is generally a password guessing technique. It is a type of attack in which trying every possible combination of characters or data in order to find the decrypted message. A brute force guarantees finding the key – it’s trying every possible combination and does not rely on any potentially incomplete dictionaries or lists of possible keys. cPHulk Brute force Protection is an inbuilt protection used in WHM for preventing brute force attack. cPHulk Brute force Protection will detect and …
Installation and configuration of ‘Pyxsoft Antimalware’ in cPanel servers
Pyxsoft antimalware Plugin for cPanel/WHM protects your server from attacker scripts such as c99shell, r57shell, ANIShell, and hundreds more. It is a real-time Anti Malware for cPanel/WHM. Attackers can take control of your servers or can damage your customer’s data by uploading one of these scripts. Pyxsoft antimalware plugin works to protects your server in two ways: Protecting from the six server’s entrance SQL Injection Legitimate Access (SSH, cPanel etc) Web Forms FTP Brute Force Attacks Installed Trojans or shells
By default Postfix run on port 25 and 587(TLS). However some ISPs block port 25. In that case you can configure the postfix mail server to listen on additional ports too, for example port 26 or some random 5125. This configuration is done in the master.cf configuration file. Edit it in your editor of choice. This file is in the following format: # ========================================================================== # service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command + args # (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100) # ==========================================================================