Teamcity is a Continuous Integration tool written in Java language which helps in building and deploying different types of projects, established by Jet brains. It is a business-oriented tool and licensed under a proprietary license.
TeamCity utilizes a circulated grid design. It implies that TeamCity assemble framework which includes the server and Build Agents that run the constructs.
Build Agent is the product that really executes the build procedure which is set up in the TeamCity server. It is prescribed to install the agents to the diverse machine for expanding the framework execution. TeamCity Server works to screen all the build process and the status of the agents as well.
• Extensibility and Customization: It gives a few different ways to reuse the settings of the parent project to the subproject.
• Gives better code quality to any extent. Likewise it recognizes builds which are hung.
• It keeps up CI server solid and stable in any event when no constructs are running.
• We can run parallel builds at the same time in different environments.
• We can build docker images in a separate step with the augmentation to other runners.
• Testers can be replaced with agents.
• A server can be in one operating system and agents can be in another.
• We can test your change in the build process without submitting it into the VCS.
• Build Agent: It is called the engine of TeamCity which is set up in the Teamcity server, used to build and test the project.
• Teamcity server: The environment in which all the configuration required for the project is made.
• Build Queue: Here we can see the list of active build processes.
• Build Artifacts: The final output of build are stored here. It may be in the format of Zip, War, etc.
• Project: It is like a parent or represents one product which contains single or multiple child (codes/Application/sub-projects).
• Build Configuration: It is the complete set of settings used for the build process.
• Build step: The steps used to construct a project. These acts as a task in a TeamCity project.
• Build trigger: Defines when the build should be started. It can be scheduled or automated.
• Upgrading from one version to another causes a great deal of work to be finished.
• Teamcity is not open-source. After 3 agents and 100 builds, users will have to take a license and is to be paid.
• The client network for TeamCity is extremely less when compared with other CI tools in the industry.