As we are aware, usually installing SSL Certificate requires Dedicated IP . The cost of this address is typically being passed down to the end user. Also the IPv4 address will be filled completely if every domain require a dedicated IP. So administrators decided to use multiple SSL installation on a single IP. Thus SNI (Server Name Identification) is established. >> What is SNI : —————— Server Name Indication (SNI) is an extension to the TLS protocol that indicates what hostname the client is attempting to connect. SNI is an …
Server Security
The SSLv3 Poodle vulnerability which was released on October 14th 2014, is an attack on the SSL 3.0 protocol and it is completely protocol based vulnerability. POODLE stands for “Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption”. The padding attack happens when a plain text is converted to ciphertext. The plain text message often has to be expanded to be compatible with the underlying cryptographic structure and the leakage of data mainly occur during the decryption of the cipher text. The SSLv3 poodle vulnerability allows a man-in-the-middle attacker to decrypt ciphertext using …
VENOM vulnerability also known as QEMU exploit is the most recent vulnerability reported on May 13, 2015 and it is discovered by Jason Geffner while performing a security review of virtual machine hypervisors. VENOM stands for “Virtualized Environment Neglected Operations Manipulation”. This venom exploits QEMU, an open source machine emulator. The venom CVE-2015-3456 vulnerability resides in the virtual floppy drive code (FDC) used by the virtualization platforms. If it gets exploited, it allows an attacker to gain full control of the operating system hosting them and as well as on …
In Linux servers, more than 60 binaries and major services such as SSH, Named, Bash etcrely on the glibc libraries. A heap-based buffer overflow was found in __nss_hostname_digits_dots() and an attacker could use this flaw to execute arbitrary code with the privilege of the users running the application using the function gethostbyname() Check if your server is GHOST vulnerable If the glibc version in your server is lower than 2.18, then your server is most exposed to this vulnerability. You can check the glibc version in your server using …
FirewallD is a new firewall suite being introduced to Linux distribution. At present, the all-new popular CentOs 7 has it as the default firewall suite which in near future will be implemented in servers. FirewallD, as usual, was developed by the Fedora community and was implemented in the 20th version of the same. It is also being used in arch Linux and others till the date. FirewallD is a dynamic firewall, dynamic in the sense that any change in the firewall will be implemented as soon as the amendment is …
Portsentry is a tool to detect port scans and log it. Once a host is targeted by an attacker, a port scan is almost always performed. PortSentry detects such scans by monitoring the unused ports on the host. Upon a connection attempt to one of the unused ports, PortSentry is alerted and has the ability to issue a number of commands in response to the scan. Installation # cd /usr/src/ # wget
If you inspect your server’s error logs, you may see that many visitors (for the most part robots) constantly request access to things they should not be allowed to see. If you see that such access are suspicious and they are trying to spam your forum or hijack your mail program, you may need to deny access from those IP’s. Collecting such offending IP addresses by manually inspecting your logs across your site can become a full-time job. In such cases, you may block access to the site on Country …
Spam is most often considered to be electronic junk mail or junk newsgroup postings. It may be defined even more generally as any unsolicited email. Generally, spamming can happen in three ways. 1. By hacking an email account which has a simple password, which is easy to guess. 2. By uploading script on the server which sends out mails at regular intervals. 3. Via forum or newsletters scripts which are sending mass emails. A fix to a spamming issue means : * Block the IP address if it is an …
A new vulnerability has been found that potentially affects most versions of the Linux and Unix operating systems, in addition to Mac OS X. Known as the “Bash Bug” or “ShellShock,” the GNU Bash Remote Code Execution Vulnerability could allow an attacker to gain control over a targeted computer if exploited successfully. And because Bash is everywhere on Linux and Unix-like machines and interacts with all parts of the operating system, everyone anticipates that it will have lot of repercussions. How does Shellshock work? Shellshock exploits a flaw in how …
Denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) or Distributed Denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack) is an attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users. This attack generally target sites or services hosted on high-profile web servers such as banks, credit card payment gateways, and even root nameservers. DoS attacks are implemented by either forcing the targeted computer to reset, or consuming its resources so that it can no longer provide its services or obstructs the communication media between the users and the victim so that they can no longer …